
My name is Omar TAKY-EDDINE. I graduated from the faculty of education in 2012, and I'm currently a Master students at the faculty of IBN ZOHR, Agadir. The master is entitled teaching English as a foreign language and information communication technology. This blog aims at giving you a view on the issues we study in the master program; basically some of the writings which I produced in the first semester. Your comments are very much welcomed.
Sunday, January 27, 2013

         So as to produce academically competent students we need to make sure that they have the necessary and sufficient skills that will improve their performance, prepare them to face the new challenges, and help them achieve success. There are many critical skills that students should encompass; note taking, active listening and time managing are some of the skills that will prepare students for exams and ultimately for academic success.

         Note taking is a vital practice which aids comprehension and retention. Therefore, so as to become effective note taker, some strategies before, during and after the lecture are badly needed. Before attending the lecture, students need to know what the lecture will be about. Doing some readings and researches will enable them to have general overview of the main ideas and important concepts, which will facilitate understanding and allow the student to distinguish between what is relevant and what is not, what is most important and what is less important. During the lecture, students should actively listen to the teacher, approach the lecture with positive attitudes, and make conscious efforts to pay attention.  At the end of the lecture, which is the most important part, students are required to review and edit class notes; it's better that reviewing takes place within 24 hours after the lecture so as to make the remembrance of the new information easier.
       The second skill I would like to shed light on is active listening; without the latter there will be no effective note taking. More crucially, with no active listening there will be no input; and without the input there will be no learning. The first step towards active listening is to pay attention to the speaker, look at him, stop other tasks, and avoid interruptions. After students focus their whole attention towards their teachers, they then need to paraphrase and ask questions to ensure that they understand exactly what the speaker intends to say. The next step deemed necessary for active listening is the ability to evaluate the message; students should consider all available information carefully before making final decisions. Besides, they should learn how to be critical thinkers, ask questions and try to have all the important information before forming their opinion or jump on to conclusions. Last but not least, effective listeners are the ones who give feedback to their teachers in order to make them know about their understanding and opinions.
          In addition to the two important skills mentioned above, students must be aware how to use their time. Bearing in mind the amount of outside classroom preparation and obligations, students have no other choice but to manage their time in order to perform well. One of the techniques students can use to prioritize their time is called "ABC" priority system; "A" refers to something that is "absolutely urgent", "B" refers to "better do it soon" which means that something is important but not urgent, whereas "C" refers to "can wait" meaning that something is beneficial but it is not of great importance. Students need to know how to organize and define their activities and goals according to this system. If they become able to do so, they will be able to have balance in all areas of their lives, reduce stress, and move steadily towards achieving their short and long term goals.
        To conclude, having good study skills is the basis for success in school; these skills can even extend to positively influence other areas of life. Note taking, active listening and time managing are just some examples of study skills that every student should refine. Reading, writing, and communication and many other skills are equally important for success. With deep knowledge of these skills, along with determination and perseverance students will not only have a successful academic year, but a fruitful thriving life as well.  
By: Omar taky eddine