
My name is Omar TAKY-EDDINE. I graduated from the faculty of education in 2012, and I'm currently a Master students at the faculty of IBN ZOHR, Agadir. The master is entitled teaching English as a foreign language and information communication technology. This blog aims at giving you a view on the issues we study in the master program; basically some of the writings which I produced in the first semester. Your comments are very much welcomed.
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Reading is one of the most important skill for learning, it is one of the founding pillars of making students success at university, grow autonomous, and learn more about the world around them. Many people tend to underestimate reading, deeming it as a mere process of moving one's eyes from one line to another. On the contrary, being a good reader necessitates certain skills that not all people are acquainted with. Visualization and dialogue while and after reading; "scope it out" and "I wonder" question skill; as well as reading extensively and having positive attitudes towards the author are some of the tips that readers in general and students in particular need to use so as to be effective readers.

Visualization and dialogue are two tips that help the reader to retain and grasp what s/he is reading. Visualizing means imagining what you are reading, and giving it a mental picture in your mind. So as to do so, you only need to draw pictures while reading. By drawing pictures that represents the content of your readings, you trigger places in you mind where you can create mental pictures; which will strengthen your memory, help you retrieve information and use it whenever you need it. Drawing while reading is similar to organizing papers in file folders; you don't need to scrutinize all the papers, you just have look at the folder and you will remember all the things you've put in it. In addition to visualization, dialoging with other readers is of high importance. The Integration in social media pave the way to create group discussion, give and receive comments, make you more engaged and improve your critical thinking. In fact, reading in group is one of the essential things that the new technology made it much easier to do.
Along with this, readers can improve their reading skills by tow strategies which are "I wonder" strategy as well as "scope it out" strategy. Through using questions which start with "I wonder why, how, where..", readers test their understanding and improve their engagement with the text. Seeking answers for your "I wonder" questions from the text you are reading or from other sources deepens your reading, enriches your understanding of the context, and "stores" the answer in mind. As far as "scope it out" strategy", the latter revolves around remembering the most important points in the text rather than trying to remember the whole text. When you have a lot of readings to do in a very short amount of time, it becomes sometimes difficult to read the whole thing let alone keeping it in mind. Therefore, it advisable to scan anything which is eye-catching such as topic sentences, titles, subtitles, and pictures. Thus; when you need something more specific, you know where you'll exactly find it without wasting your rereading the whole thing for a second time.
In addition to what have been mentioned in the two paragraphs above, extensive reading and positive attitudes towards the writer enhance your reading skills. Reading on a daily basis makes you more accounted with different formats, styles and genres. It also makes reading an enjoyable habit through which the reader forgets everything around him, and gets indulged in the facilitating world of the writer. Moreover, reading extensively boosts your knowledge about the world of books; it also enables you to distinguish between books worth reading and the ones who don't. On the other hand, having positive attitude towards the writers of the material you are reading maximizes your benefit from the material and makes you more engaged with it. Contrariwise, the more your dislike of the material the less learning takes place. For instance when you are asked to read a play of shakspear, don't say shakspear bores me, rather say shakspear is a wonderful writer and I will do my best to enjoy his plays.
To sum up, effective reading doesn't take place by chance. The reader should know that there are certain tips which s/he needs to apply to maximize his/her benefit from the material he is reading.  Reading is a unique, vital thing in life. It engages your body, mind, and the heart in the world of the writer. It broadens your imagination, opens your eyes to other cultures, and gives the opportunity to learn from the other… So give it a try, take a book and enjoy the flavor of being an effective reader.
   By: Omar Taky-eddine