
My name is Omar TAKY-EDDINE. I graduated from the faculty of education in 2012, and I'm currently a Master students at the faculty of IBN ZOHR, Agadir. The master is entitled teaching English as a foreign language and information communication technology. This blog aims at giving you a view on the issues we study in the master program; basically some of the writings which I produced in the first semester. Your comments are very much welcomed.
Sunday, January 27, 2013

TEFL and ICT master                                                                         Homework assignment 
                                                                                                                   Pr. Naima Ttimasse
Episodes: discipline problems
Analyzing episodes

The problem in this situation is the rude answer given by Terry when he was asked by her teacher to read the passage. This impolite reaction from the part of Terry can be ascribed to the fact that the teacher exclusively picked Terry to read out the passage without taking into accounts neither his readiness nor his attitudes towards the passage.
The teacher could have avoided such problem by asking for volunteers who are ready to read. The teacher could have also avoided such problem by his prior knowledge to his/her students' personality; knowing that Terry hates reading, the teacher could resort to indirect strategies to stimulate him to read, rather than directly addressing him in front of his classmates.
However, supposedly this problem happened, what is the best way to deal with it?  This is a quite difficult question. Personally speaking, I will order him in a calm firm voice to take his things and leave the classroom so as to save my face in front of other students and to put an end to any similar answers. Yet, pedagogically speaking, I would advise the teacher to neglect the student's sarcasm with a nonverbal firm look towards him, ask for another volunteer to read, continue the course (as long as the student in question doesn't hinder the learning of others), and then deal with the misbehaved student at the end of the session in a respectful manner.
Episode 2:   
Since many students are not attentive, I assume that the cause of the problem is that the students didn't find the story interesting. Moreover, the situation got worsened when the teacher disregarded the noise and tried in instead to talk to the ones listening to her.
To prevent such problems, the teacher could have given students responsibility to choose the story which interests them; by doing this, students will show more interaction, enthusiasm, and engagement. Adding to this, the teacher could have prevented the chaotic situation by addressing the troublemakers in a firm manner from the very beginning.
Once the problem had arisen, I advise the teacher deal the noise instantly, and to escalate if there was a need to do so. It will also be worthwhile to stop the course for a while and firmly address the student, who is talking particularly noticeably, in a commanding tone to stop taking and follow the course. Otherwise, a gaze for four or five seconds can do the job.

 Episode 3:
The problem is caused by the student who hit the table with a very loud bang. Yet, the problem may also be ascribed to the teacher who failed to deal with the situation before it became more complicated.
To prevent the problem the teacher should have engaged all students in the explanation of the activity; for instance, he could have given the green light to start for the ones who have understood while carrying on his explanation for the others. Otherwise, the teacher should have given John the attention he was seeking at the tapping stage, thus deal with problem and save the momentum of the class.
Once it had arisen, the teacher is required to resort to the type of punishment which suits the student personality. s/he can use different procedures such as minus points; time-out; call the parents…
Episode 4: 
The problem is caused by the boy number 2 who rudely uttered a sarcastic comment. But the root of the problem can be ascribed to the argument between the teacher and the student number 1 over the thin book.
The teacher could have avoided this problem by thinking twice before addressing the student number 1 in front of his classmates. Making students lose face in front of his classmates can result in destructive reactions from the part of the student (one revengeful student can make a teacher's life miserable). Addressing the student 1 before their classmates made the teacher on a complex situation as the boy number 2 intervene to save his classmate from the embarrassing situation and turn the "attack" by making fun of the teacher. In addition to this, the prevent the problem the problem could have been prevented by preserving the classroom momentum, the teacher could have postponed his discussion about the thin book at the end of the course.  
Once the problem had arisen, what could be done? As far as I’m concerned, I don't think that any student can dare utter such offensive comment if the teacher took the necessary proactive measures e.g. (establishing rules, being firm, strong personality, adequate punishment…). As we said in the first session of our class, the teacher ought to develop proactive ways to prevent problems from occurring in the first place. Having done this, no student could provoke the teacher in such underestimating manner. Anyway, if such behavior took place, the best way is to send the student out, and then the teacher needs to take further measures with him (eg.call parents). After that the teacher needs to try to spot attention towards the student by encouraging him to participate and perform activities, because the student former behavior reveals that the latter is seeking attention.

by: Omar Taky-eddine