
My name is Omar TAKY-EDDINE. I graduated from the faculty of education in 2012, and I'm currently a Master students at the faculty of IBN ZOHR, Agadir. The master is entitled teaching English as a foreign language and information communication technology. This blog aims at giving you a view on the issues we study in the master program; basically some of the writings which I produced in the first semester. Your comments are very much welcomed.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
               While trying to come with a thorough, detailed, definition of Educational technology, let us first admit that that there no agreed upon definition that entitle us to consider it as a lasting one. The new definitions of educational technology come as result of, and based on the amendment of the previous ones and it is also influenced by the growth and change of theories of learning. The latest definition of 2008 by Januszewski & Molenda indicates that Educational Technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating 

learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.” This definition defines educational technology as both a "study" and "ethical practice", meaning that it encompasses many forms of inquiry committed to ethical practice. According to this definition educational technology has two main objectives which are: facilitating learning and improving performance. These two objectives are placed at the center of the definition to highlight their importance. As far as the first objective is concerned, we notice the use of the word "facilitating" rather that "controlling " or "causing"; this signify that the role of technology is to facilitate  learning and guide the learner to better learning opportunities available. In such environment; rote learning, memorization, drill and practice are dismissed. Instead, constructivist approach in which learners construct their own meaning becomes badly needed. The second objective educational technology put emphasis on is "improving performance". This objective is closely related to the former objective in the sense that performance is influenced by the degree and the quality of learning. Improving performance indicates the use and the application of the new capabilities gained with the least wasted time, effort, and expanse. However, reaching these two objectives is not an easy task. The creation, use, and management of the technological resources and processes are extremely essential issues to maximize the profit. This, entails needs analysis of the learner, learning objectives, program evaluation, and suitability of the resources and processes with the intended purposes… in sum, this definition summarizes the benefits of technology in education, and how these benefits can be reached.

By: Omar Taky-eddine