
My name is Omar TAKY-EDDINE. I graduated from the faculty of education in 2012, and I'm currently a Master students at the faculty of IBN ZOHR, Agadir. The master is entitled teaching English as a foreign language and information communication technology. This blog aims at giving you a view on the issues we study in the master program; basically some of the writings which I produced in the first semester. Your comments are very much welcomed.
Sunday, January 27, 2013

          Doodle makes scheduling quick and easy to do. It is a great resource when it comes to find a suitable time or date for events or appointment or family reunion. It is easy to use and very convenient. It is also very useful in the field of teaching, because they can use this tool to schedule an important event in their career. 

Doodle is tool used every month by 6 million people. Moreover, it is easy and simple. You just need to be registered, and then click on the date which you are interested on, and then you just enter the time. The final step is when you send the invitations to the participants that you want, after that the participants will take the time that best for them. This is indeed the best way to schedule the events successfully with many people using just two messages instead of sending each person a message.